Integrated unit of the derivation in Tver dialects
This article discusses the complex unit formation, presented in Tver dialects, determined by their place in dialect communications system. Their peculiarity is that they provide a formal bond of dialectal tokens, reaffirming their semantic closeness. The combination of formal-semantic relations between derivatives in complex units is one means of ensuring consistency of dialect vocabulary, and hence the possibility of inland without any external influences, development dialect the word system. The selection of these units is due to the fact that they have a clear similarity primarily in one of the planes of expression, and only then - similarity in terms of content. For example, the unity of the word-formation type is primarily based on the formal and only then on the semantic identity of the formant, which appears in different derivatives. The unity of word-formation paradigms, chains and nests is based on the identity of the root morpheme. A special position is occupied only by a derivational category, the unity of which is based on the identity of the derivational meaning. Both the formal and semantic sides of derivational relations are important for us, since the first allows us to find and combine the derivatives of a certain complex unit in a dialect, and the second, to analyze those semantic features that are significant for dialect carriers deserving a word formative nomination.
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