Nouns with value of not adult beings: structural-semantic, linguistic and cognitive aspects

Saburova L. Nouns with value of not adult beings: structural-semantic, linguistic and cognitive aspects NRD, Volume 17. 2018 , 252–270

Article is devoted to the analysis of structure of nouns with modification value of not maturity in several functional kinds of the Russian national language (the literary language - territorial dialects) and also studying of morphemics and word formation of these nouns in several aspects: system and structural, territorial and cognitive. The semantic field of not maturity reflects ideas of native speakers of Russian of the adult / animal possessing certain external and internal characteristics, and, on the contrary, about not adult being (the child of the person, an animal cub) at whom these signs are absent or aren’t shown fully. The words expressing various values of this semantic sphere in Russian possess the unequal structural organization. The main way of word formation is suffixal. Dialect features of nouns of this group are shown as a part of morphs of the all- Russian word-formation formant, as a part of the making bases of this word-formation type and also in features of semantics of derivative words in which along with value of not maturity secondary values are implemented. The analysis of territorially limited phenomena of word-formation structure of nouns with value of not maturity allows to speak about specificity of a language picture of the world of villagers of the European North of Russia. Assessment of objects and the phenomena is carried out from a position of compliance of characteristics of the animated objects to ideas of a physical, physiological, psychological, social and economic and cultural maturity of the person and also ideas of suitability of animals to realization of economic and household needs of the person.

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