Sensory and rational knowledge in the dialect sound picture of the world
The article is devoted to the dialect sound picture of the world. It’s features are established on the basis of the sound verbs from the card-index of “Lexical Atlas of Russian Folk Dialects” (section “Animal World”). The blurriness of the sound images that make up the sound picture of the world is determined by sensory cognition. On the one hand, each nominative series of verbs consists of a specific set of words and has a specific ratio of verbs of narrow and wide semantics. This indicates that in the human consciousness there are sound images of vocalizations of certain animal. On the other hand, nominative series intersect each other intricately, some verbs of broad semantics are used for a number of animals. This indicates that in the human consciousness, acoustic images of similar sounds overlaps. Other features of the sound picture of the world (selectivity, appraisal and existence a certain place and time of sound images) are explained to the existence of a rational stage of cognition. The selectivity of the sound picture of the world is manifested in whose voices and with what degree of detail are included in it. The sound image of the world mainly includes images of voices of animals that matter in the daily life of a person and/or his economic activities, whose voices have a certain aesthetic value and/or play a role in signs and beliefs. The evaluation is closely connected with the selectivity of the sound picture of the world. The value of the animal voices for humans is manifested in the degree of diversity of the verbs within the nominative series, as well as in the ratio of words of broad and narrow semantics. In addition, the evaluation of the sound picture of the world is expressed more directly through the stable evaluation characteristics of vocalizations, reflected in the contexts of using verbs. The contexts also reflects the existence in the human consciousness of stable connections of sound images of animal voices with a certain place and time.
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