Dialect phonetic features of the language of Sheksna chastushkas

Medvedeva A. Dialect phonetic features of the language of Sheksna chastushkas NRD, Volume 17. 2018 , 361–376

The research focuses on the language of the chastushkas that existed in the 20th century and partly survived in rural areas nearby the Charomskoye village in the Sheksna district of the Vologda region. The sources for the study were the texts of the chastushkas recorded in different years in the Sheksna district (more than 3,000 texts). The goal of the research is to reveal dialect features of the Sheksna chastushka language at the phonetic level. The novelty of the study lies both in the object of the study (most texts have not been published or studied before), and in its goal as there are no research works on dialect phonetic features of the chastushkas of the Sheksna district. The chastushka as a folklore genre preserves archaic forms of the oral folk speech in the area under study, thus saving cultural memory of the inhabitants. For linguists, the chastushka is the source for studying the history of this dialect. Therefore, the record of these folklore texts and the study of their phonetic features is an urgent task. The study of the phonetic features of the Sheksna chastushka language became possible due to the availability of the texts documented with partial recording of the language phonetic features, as well as due to the existence of many audio recordings of chastushkas being performed. This article describes dialect features at the phonetic level typical of the northern dialect (Vologda and Belozersk-Bezhetsk local lingos) which were discovered in the texts of chastushkas (but not in the dialect speech in whole). A number of dialect speech features appear in the Sheksna chastushkas inconsistently due to the influence of the literary language. Everyday live speech undergoes more changes while dialect phonetic features can be found in the Sheksna chastushka more often. Thus, we can say that the chastushka is an example of the archaic elements of speech and, therefore, a valuable source for studying the history of the language and folk culture. Moreover, the chastushka that has preserved the old-time pronunciation specific to the area under study is also a cultural phenomenon as it not only adds the local flavor to the texts, but also serves as a source of pride and means of self-identification of the local population.

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