Horse color names in the Dictionary of Russian folk dialects

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202007
Varnikova E. Horse color names in the Dictionary of Russian folk dialects NRD, Volume 19. 2020 , 158–181

The article discusses the composition, semantics and wordformation relations of the horse color names in the Dictionary of Russian folk dialects. The composition of hippological color designation notations in dialects is more diverse in comparison with the literary language. Thus, the Dictionary includes adjectives presenting the considered lexical group in Old Russian, some of them are used only in complex names of colors or in the names of the animal mane hair color; the Dictionary also describes rare Turkic borrowings as well as some non-horse color designations that are used as horse hippologisms. The words of the group in question are characterized with a wide phonetic and word-formation variation when they are used in dialect speech. The semantics of color hippologisms in dialects is wider and more complex than in the literary language. The set of derivatives of hippological color designations in dialects is organized according to the derivational paradigm of color adjectives typical for the literary language. This paradigm also includes adjectival, substantival, verbal and adverbial blocks of derivatives, but the composition of these blocks is specific.


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