Etnodialektnyye osobennosti Kostromskoy niziny v interpretatsii posledovateley shakhmatovskoy shkoly: S. A. Eryomin

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202204
Basova N. Neganova G. Etnodialektnyye osobennosti Kostromskoy niziny v interpretatsii posledovateley shakhmatovskoy shkoly: S. A. Eryomin  NRD, Volume 21. 2022 , 82–102

In the article, Kostroma dialectologists continue the study of the Kostroma lowland dialects — a segment of the central Northern Russian dialects, formed as a result of the interaction between the colonization flows of primary Slavic settlement in the former Meryan and Finno-Ugric lands. The material of the analysis is the fundamental work by S. A. Eryomin, the follower of Shakhmatov ethnodialect school, who studied dialects along the Kostroma river in many aspects and gave convincing explanations of the features of speech status of this ethnodialect zone, which were based on insights into the history of the region and its natural and ethnological features. As a result of comparative historical observations of the dialects of four volosts of the Kostroma and Bui districts during the first twenty years of the 20th century, their heyday period, the dominant similarity of their linguistic phenomena was established, and at the same time a number of differences caused by various conditions and periods of settlement of the region were uncovered. Thus, the essay by S. A. Eryomin may be considered as a foundation for further study of the dialects of the Kostroma Volga region, which is a special ethnodialect and historical-geographical zone of the Kostroma lowlands.


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