Reindeer herding vocabulary of the Yukagir language (a comparative study)

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202212
Cheboksarova V. Reindeer herding vocabulary of the Yukagir language (a comparative study) NRD, Volume 21. 2022 , 232–249

The article is devoted to the study of reindeer herding vocabulary in the language of the Upper Kolyma (Kolyma) and the Lower Kolyma (Tundra) Yukagirs in a comparative aspect. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient knowledge of the deer herding vocabulary of the Yukagir language. The purpose of the study is to give a description of the Yukagir reindeer herding vocabulary in a comparative aspect. Based on the scientific research and dictionaries, the article presents vocabulary that reflects concepts related to reindeer herding in the language of the forest and tundra Yukagirs; lexical and semantic groups of reindeer herding vocabulary are singled out; a comparative analysis of the thematic lexemes of the Yukagir language is carried out. The research method is a comparative analysis of the reindeer herding vocabulary of the Yukagir and some languages of the Uralic and Altaic groups. The collected lexical material can be used in lexicography practice when compiling thematic dictionaries; the data obtained during the study can be used in the study of the Yukagir language at schools and universities. The material can also be used in the study of the ethnogenesis of the Yukagirs, the comparative historical study of the Yukagir language, culture, as well as the characterization of the ethnocultural relations of the Yukagirs with neighboring peoples.


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