Imperfective verbs with the root vowel substitution in the dialects of Ulyanovskiy region
Myznikova Y.N.
Imperfective verbs with the root vowel substitution in the dialects of Ulyanovskiy region NRD, Volume 15. 2016
, 127–135
The article considers the formation of the verbs with the suffixes –ыва- (-ива-), accompanied by the root vowel substitution, in the dialects of Ulyanovskiy region. In these dialects the verb imperfectivation with the root vowel substitution о > а proceeds sequentially, including the roots with the palatalized consonants (затясывать), while in the literary language it is determined by the codification rules. The verbs under consideration may have an iterative or factual meaning, that is rather relevant for the dialect discourse.