On the anthroponyms of the peoples of the North and the Arctic: the Evenks, Dolgans, Enets, Koryaks
The article examines the anthroponyms of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic in a comparative and contrastive manner. The author studies the origin and the use of personal names, surnames and nicknames in the languages of various types of northern peoples—Altaic (Evenks, Dolgans), Uralic (Enets) and Paleo-Asian (Koryaks)—in an inseparable connection with their ethnic culture. For the purpose of comparative analysis, anthroponyms of other northern ethnic groups are used, such as the Nanai, the Udege. The material for the article is based on the author's observations, conversations with students and teachers of the Institute of Peoples of the North of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia who represent their native languages and ethnic cultures, as well as published works on onomastics by well-known Russian scientists (Tungus-Manchurian scholars, turkologists, uralists, Paleo-Asian scholars) and other sources: dictionaries, monographs, articles, textbooks on the language, ethnography and folklore of the peoples of the North and the Russian population of Siberia and the Arctic. The author comes to the conclusion that the names, surnames and nicknames of the peoples of the North are very diverse, and their origin and existence are associated with the peculiarities of the material and spiritual culture of the ethnic groups. Among the extralinguistic factors that influenced the peculiarities of naming, the essential one was the contact of the indigenous people with the Russian population of the region, as well as ancient ethnocultural and linguistic contacts of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Far East. The most common word-formation and inflectional suffixes involved in the formation of names are identified; in borrowed words, phonetic and lexical differences are found above all.
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