Kostroma dialects: interpretation of some isolexes of Nerekhta ethnodialect zone by Grigoriy Mel’nichenko

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201903
Gorlova T. Kostroma dialects: interpretation of some isolexes of Nerekhta ethnodialect zone by Grigoriy Mel’nichenko NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 55–68

The article is devoted to observations over distribution relations of Nerekhta patois lexis which will help to correct our idea about degree of antiquity of Kostroma patois' different segments and about the prospects of their further development. Observations over Nerekhta patois lexis, which have been almost unstudied to date with regard to peculiarities of their distribution, will help to correct idea about degree of antiquity of different segments of Kostroma patois, about place and role of Finno-Ugric substrate in their continuum, about what their relation to other Kostroma and the more remote East Slavic territories were like when Slavs would settle in the territory of the Nerekhta and the Solonitsa Rivers; that is about their ethnogenesis and genesis of the demos.
The research is executed on the material of iso-lexes of Grigoriy Mel'nichenko's linguistic maps (1974) and aims to show their genetically-initial features and new features as a result of innovative development. The revealed linguistic and extra-linguistic factors as well as the review of lexis done in the article, generally on the basis of the Slavs' most ancient material culture (according to the atlas by Grigoriy Mel'nichenko), confirm belief of existence of a special ethno-linguistic Nerekhta zone as a part of Kostroma patois. Nerekhta patois are traditionally considered to be Northern Russian usually blended in Kostroma patois structure; however, on a number of signs, they are similar to neighbouring Ivanovo patois, and one can classify them in the group of East Central Russian "O" patois, Vladimir — the Povolzhye group to be precise. Nerekhta patois' complicated linguistic landscape consists in uneven representation of their system on different tiers including at the level of lexis, controversial relationship of "core" and "periphery", characteristic not only of modern Russian patois, but also of all the language continuum of the hypothetical united Land of Slavs. The authors believe that, on many signs, one can speak about complicated, only relative, unity of Kostroma patois and separately, of Nerekhta ethno-dialect zone as a part of Kostroma patois group.


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