Semantic models of formation in the Russian dialects of derivational paradigms of coherent nouns on the basis of adjectives with the meaning of colors

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201909
Kolesova I. Semantic models of formation in the Russian dialects of derivational paradigms of coherent nouns on the basis of adjectives with the meaning of colors NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 144–157

This article focuses on the consideration of issues related to the development of the phenomenon of parallel word formation in Russian folk dialects. A parallel word-formation is one of the options for the development of semantic divergence. The results of this process should be separated from word-formation homonyms and lexemes resulting from the manifestation of word-formative and reflected polysemy. The article also describes the features of these processes. Article deals with word-formation paradigms of coherent nouns, which are formed on the basis of dialect adjectives with the meaning of color. The author restores the composition of some of these paradigms, and an attempt is made to identify and characterize their features. The main purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of semantic syncretism of adjectives with the meaning of color, which become the word-formation base in the formation of coherent derivative nouns in Russian dialects. Herewith special attention is paid to the Vologda dialects. At the same time, the author faces the task of identifying semantic models typical for the formation of coherent nouns on the basis of adjectives of this semantic group and considering the features of the formation of their word-formation paradigms associated with the semantics of the generating word.


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