Realization of the concept “labor” in the linguistic consciousness of the resident of the Nikolsky district of the Vologda region Nina Dmitrievna Shilovskaya

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201915
Zubova N. N. Realization of the concept “labor” in the linguistic consciousness of the resident of the Nikolsky district of the Vologda region Nina Dmitrievna Shilovskaya NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 244–254

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept “Labor” in the speech of Nina Dmitriyevna Shilovskaya, resident of the Nikolsky district of the Vologda region (born in 1938). A woman actively operates with the word work”, but rarely uses the lexeme “labor”. The peculiarity of Nina Dmitrievna's speech is an appeal to peasant physical labor, which accompanied her at all stages of life: in childhood, adolescence, life with her husband. The article describes the use of the described mental object in the speech of the bearer of the Vologda dialects.
Particular attention is paid to the analysis of modern research on the implementation of the concept of labor”. The article reveals the concept of concept” and “work”, based on data from lexicographic sources. The author concludes that the concept of “labor” is a multi-level structure, in the center of which is the token “work”.
In addition, an analysis of the speech of the bearer of the Vologda dialects indicates that mental labor and craft is not typical for the content of the concept of our informant under consideration. In conclusion, the author concludes that such a world perception of the concept work” is characteristic of a dialectal language personality.


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