Nominations for magic knowledge (in the case study of mythological texts of Perm krai)

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201918
Русинова И. И. Nominations for magic knowledge (in the case study of mythological texts of Perm krai) NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 298–317

The article is devoted to the nominations of magic knowledge that sorcerers and healers have. The purpose of the study is to consider a set of words and expressions that determine secret knowledge of ritual specialists in the Russian dialects of Perm region.  The research is based on the materials of dialects dictionaries of Perm region and mythological texts about “competent” people, recorded by the scientists and students from Perm State University during folk and dialect expeditions. The texts have been published in folk and ethnographic collections about the region. The article reveals thematic groups of the vocabulary and describes its motivational peculiarities. First of all, in the language this particular type of knowledge is considered to be a set of private, sacral knowledge that a sorcerer or a healer possesses. Another group of the secret knowledge is associated with the fact that it the knowledge is contained in the texts that sorcerers and healers use in their practice. Nominations of the third group are motivated with the names for the evil force connected with a sorcerer. Mainly, it is evil spirits that are considered to be a dangerous weapon in a sorcerer’s hands. The idea about the witchcraft being a type of professional human activity or craft is fixed in the names for secret knowledge. Lexical units characterizing a sorcerer or a healer’s activity as one demanding proficiency and skills and that may also be considered as an art form the next thematic-motivation group. The units that describe magic knowledge as inborn or gained inner spirit energy of a sorcerer, a healer, as a capability of these people to influence other people, animals and nature for different purposes using the energy have been registered in mythological texts. The capability is considered to be a talent or gift. Lexical units can stress an uncanny feature of the knowledge, its insularity or unavailability for ordinary people. Thus, the data from dialect dictionaries and mythological texts about Perm region testify motivational variety of nominations for secret knowledge that ritual specialists have.


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