Problems and prospects of ethnolinguaculturological attitude in the study of Dolgans

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201920
Nabok I. Nazmutdinovа T. Problems and prospects of ethnolinguaculturological attitude in the study of Dolgans NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 336–348

Dolgans — one of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia — are a very interesting and at the same time complex object for scientific research. This is due primarily to the unique conditions for the formation of this ethnic group.
It is noted that the merger of various ethnic groups, clans and tribes into a single ethnic community of Dolgans in Taimyr, of course, was facilitated by a certain unity in economic activity — reindeer husbandry, hunting, fishing, the development of which was facilitated by natural and climatic conditions and fishing resources in the places where the Dolgans settled, as well as similar forms of life and marriage.
The article emphasizes that, of course, it was of great importance that almost all Dolgan groups adopted the Orthodox faith, although this adoption was largely formal in nature and combined with a kind of religious and ceremonial conglomerate, in which, besides the Orthodox faith, there were animism and pantheism , as well as the institution of shamanism (to a large extent similar to Yakut). This determined a significant peculiarity of ritual and ritual practice. It can be argued that it is with the help of a comprehensive ethnolinguistic and cultural approach to the study of the language and culture of the Dolgans that the essential patterns of linguistic and cultural genesis of the ethnosocium phenomenon can be identified. Of particular interest in this sense is the still little explored small (about one thousand people) sub-ethnic group of Anabar Dolgans.


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