Words denoting log construction and log joining techniques: a comparative analysis of the material collected in the Sura area of the Volga region and the data of Northern Russian dialects

Королькова М. Д. Words denoting log construction and log joining techniques: a comparative analysis of the material collected in the Sura area of the Volga region and the data of Northern Russian dialects NRD, Volume 16. 2017 , 76–95

The article provides a linguogeographic analysis for three thematic subgroups of carpentry and woodworking vocabulary units collected in the Sura area of the Volga region in comparison with the data from Standard Russian and from the Ladoga-Tikhvin and Vologda groups of Northern Russian dialects. The analysis of the vocabulary demonstrates its specific properties, the most prominent of which is the territorial variability of the vocabulary combined with its polydialectal character.
