Ob-Ugric lexical data in Permic and North Russian context

Мызников С. А. Ryabchikova Z. Ob-Ugric lexical data in Permic and North Russian context NRD, Volume 17. 2018 , 59–87

This paper attempts to provide an integrated etymological analysis of Northern Russian dialect borrowed data, the possible etymons that are recorded in the Komi language, Baltic-Finnish, Ob-Ugric languages, as well as in Samoyed languages. Provides information about the language contacts of the Ob-Ugric languages and the history of their study. The interaction between Komi and Ob-Ugric speakers is also noted. It is noted that a significant number of such borrowings relate thematically to the fishing and hunting lexicon. In some cases, the Baltic-Finnish and Ob-Ugric data are very close in form and semantics, and there is the problem of differentiating the results of their impact on Russian dialects; that is, when Komi and Khanty lexemes are as if etymologically similar units on the Finno-Ugric soil. So, for example, there are names of a bog of ya'nga with fixations in a wide area. In some cases, the Komi etymology of the Russian dialect word, with similar Ob-Ugric data, was rejected ather the areal analysis. Some data have single fixations, and it is not always clear under what conditions and who recorded these materials, for example, the Khanty or the Russians. There are a number of similar data, which presents materials that are considered on Russian, Permian and Ob-Ugric soil. For example, various etymological versions are given. The next version is not excluded: the primary unit is the next unit in the Komi language “angle”, which is preserved in the word blue “eyebrow” (literally, “eye - angle”). Compare also: Chupa, Kulma, which have a primary value of ‘angle', but at the present time are names for fishing traps. A detailed analysis of the totality of all the data recorded in different geographically related languages of the same region allows one to verify some etymological versions, and in some cases to make corrections of established etymologies. In addition, when designing distant etymologies, it is extremely important to take into account the possibilities of multidirectional ethno-linguistic influences.

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