Aboriginal and Borrowed Lexical Strates in the Dolgan Language
The article presents an analysis of lexical layers, Dolgan vocabulary. The Dolgan language still largely retains the old features of the Yakut language, which became the basis for the language of communication of several ethnic groups, from which groups of modern Dolgans were formed and their language developed. Common Turkic original vocabulary. This term designates a part of the vocabulary that is present in all (or in most) modern Turkic languages and has a common origin (common root). The words having Mongolian correspondences are part of the original vocabulary, they enrich the language with synonyms, functioning on a par with the words with the Turkic bases. The study of words with Mongolian correspondence in the Dolgan language can clarify some questions related to the timeframe for the penetration of this group of words into the Yakut orthodoxy and into the dialects that at one time were spread among the interaction of various ethnic groups. Apparently, in the central zone of the Yakut language dialects, these processes took place at a rather late time, since many words of this stratum were not included in the vocabulary that eventually formed the Dolgan language dictionary. The words having Mongolian, Tungus-Manchu correspondences are distinguished. It is noted that in the Dolgan language many words of Turkic origin have preferred usage than their parallels of Mongolian origin. A significant layer of vocabulary borrowed from the Russian language. Although a number of lexemes were borrowed from the Russian language for a long time, they are part of active vocabulary in the Dolgan language. In the speech of the Taimyr Dolgans, especially Western ones, a serious Russian influence is clearly manifested. Penetration into the vocabulary of words borrowed from the Russian language or through the Russian language is associated with the development of trade, economic, 104 cultural (in a broad aspect) relations in the region of residence of the Dolgans. For the history of the Yakut and Dolgan languages, the Turkic-Mongolian parallels are the most important. Their research can clarify some details of the history of the language and the ethnic group itself, both the Dolgans and the Yakuts.
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