Watland and Watlanders (Wates) in Livonian sources of 14th–15th centuries
The article presents some sources that are given insufficient attention in the modern scientific literature. They relate to the economic and socio-political relations between Watland (and its inhabitants Watlanders and Wates) and their Livonian neighbours in the 14th-15th centuries. The purpose of the article is to study, read, and identify contextual references to Watland and Watlanders/Wates in these sources. The question of what exactly should be understood by Watlanders, who are Niensloters and how we should interpret these medieval gentile in the context of that time is also being investigated. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the Livonian texts under study there are no references to Ingria, which speaks of the particular political, social and economic significance of Watland (and not Ingria) for Livonia. In addition, the article raises the question of the very status of Watland in the 14th-15th centuries: being an integral part of the Novgorod Republic, this region was considered by Livonia as its integral part. No less significant for discussion is the problem of mixing the two concepts - Watland (in Livonia) and Vodskaya land (in Novgorod).
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