Subjective-objective “World of Childhood” in the language world picture of the Vologda peasant

Komissarova T. Subjective-objective “World of Childhood” in the language world picture of the Vologda peasant NRD, Volume 17. 2018 , 350–360

This article examines the views of the Vologda peasants in his childhood is reflected in the dialect speech. The focus is on the subjects of the “world of childhood”: the names of children and adults involved in various kinds of relationships with children, as well as objects related to childhood in the national language consciousness as a special period of human existence: household utensils intended for children, Children’s clothing and footwear, toys, agricultural tools and household items used by children in the course of employment, etc. The material for the observations are the recordings of dialect speech, reflected in the regional lexicographic sources (“Dictionary of Vologda dialects”, etc.), presented in the file “Lexical Atlas of Russian folk dialects”, as well as recorded in the electronic corpus of regional texts “Circle of Life”. As a result of the research it is concluded that the “world of childhood” in the language picture of the world of Vologda peasants reflects the characteristic features of the dialect picture of the world: it primarily reflects the phenomena of practical importance for the biological survival of person and his social adaptation in the village society; this variant of the world picture saves the traditional system of values much longer, the focus is on all types of assessments; the expression of the phenomenon “world of childhood” is associated in dialect speech with the expression of various manifestations of emotionality and expressiveness.

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