From the “Dictionary of the Russian North Dialects” to the “Dictionary of the Kolodensky Dialect”
The article is aimed at giving the description and analysis of the local dialect vocabulary in the villages of Kolodny, located on the western border of the Cherepovets district of the Vologda region. The author tries to show that the local dialect in Kolodny has its own specifics in the district. The vocabulary analysis uncovers some phonetic and grammar details, as well some words meaning in the local folk-speech. The task is to identify typical dialect indicators in comparison to macro-regional features, taking into account historical and administrative markers. Today, more than 1170 lexical units of dialect words have been collected on the basis of 30 fragments of audio records with a duration of about 320 minutes of speech by “classical” informants from the villages of Sergeevo, Tynovo, Grishkino and Chayevo. The principle of the selection of the word in vocabulary was its difference from the normative literary language in its neutral style and the recognition by the informants. After the recordings had been made, the first edition of “Dictionary of Kolodensky Dialect” [SKG] were been created. Today, the dictionary article consists of a local word, its brief interpretation, an example of use in speech and a locality. When making the dictionary, the local words were compared to the available dialect words in the dictionaries of northern dialects and scientific works of the XIX-XX centuries, and then again were presented to informants for recognition or non-recognition as Kolodensky. The author hopes to supply the existing dictionaries, and perhaps, to clarify the dialectological map of the Cherepovets district in case of recognition 390 of the dialect peculiarities, and also to reseach when and from where the territory of each settlement was populated.
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