On the use of grammatic label bez dop. (without object) in Pskov regional dictionary with historical data
The article is devoted to one of the problems typical for Russian dialectal and general dictionaries’ metalanguage: the meaning and use of the grammatical label bez dop. (‘without object’). The work reveals different meanings and interpretations of this label realized in lexicographic practice, and also analyzes its use in Pskov Regional Dictionary, identifies the main drawbacks and errors associated with this label as well as the reasons for these errors. The label bez dop. highlights that the action indicated by the verb is focused on the subject itself and is not transferred to another object, which means that the verb used in this exact meaning does not require a direct objective construction. Having analyzed plenty of use cases, the author has come to the conclusion that the label bez dop. is applied inconsistently and sometimes unreasonably. Involvement of theoretical grammar of the Russian language made it possible to clarify and describe the groups of verbs which can be characterized with this label.
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