Russian, Even, Yakut and Kalmyk linguistic and ethnocultural contacts

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202103
Petrov A. Russian, Even, Yakut and Kalmyk linguistic and ethnocultural contacts NRD, Volume 20. 2021 , 63–97

The purpose of this article is to study the contact phenomena of the Russian, Even, Yakut and Kalmyk languages in the context of their ethnocultural contacts. The author investigates the problem in line with the ethnolinguistic tradition and within the framework of linguistic folkloristics; he also shows the theoretical and practical signi cance of the problem for the study of languages of various types. The study also aims at comprehension of the philological and extralinguistic factors of research on the material of in ectional and agglutinative languages. The subject of the research is modern Russian, Even, Yakut and Kalmyk languages along with their dialects. The object of the research is the linguistic contacts of Russians, Evens, Yakuts and Kalmyks in the synchronous and diachronic aspects of the linguistic folkloristics. The article is based on the author's observations made in the course of his practical work of teaching Russian, Even, Yakut and Dolgan languages at the Institute of the Peoples of the Far North of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Another basis of the research are the scienti c works by N. I. Tolstoy, V. I. Tsintsius, G. M. Vasilevich, E. R. Tenishev,V. A. Robbek, S. A. Myznikov, T. G. Bordzhanova, A. A. Burykin, etc. Dueto the fact that linguistic and folkloristic studies require concentration on a single source, this work is based on materials of the Kalmyk language, continuously extracted from T. G. Bordzhanova's monograph “Ritual poetry of the Kalmyks” (Elista, 2007). At the same time, when working on the article, other diverse sources were also involved, such as dictionaries, monographs, articles, textbooks on language, ethnography and folklore of Russians, Evens, Yakuts (Sakhalar), and Dolgans. The author comes to the conclusion that the languages studied have come a long way of mutual enrichment and development; traces of Russian-Even-Yakut-Kalmyk contacts are found at all levels of the language and, rst of all, in linguistic and folkloristic studies.


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