Verb constructions with a nominative object in the Onega bylinas
The paper deals with folklore dialectology. Its relevance is explained by the lack of research in the syntactic system of Russian bylinas, as well as dialectal di erences of folklore texts. The article is devoted to a distinctive feature of Northern Russian bylinas, such as the constructions of дума думать (duma dumat’) type, which comprise a remarkable syntactic distinction of the Onega subdialect. The purpose of the study is to establish the peculiarities of the functioning of verb constructions of дума думать (duma dumat’) (‘to think’) type in the bylinas. The folk and dialectal texts are considered with respect to the time of their recording and to the genre speci city of the phrases. Based on a comparison of materials of di erent periods and styles, the author concludes that the bylina’s constructions are characterized as more archaic than those in dialectal speech. In the 19th century bylinas there are signi cant epic idioms like голова рубить (golova rubit’) (‘to cut a head’), стрелочка стрелять (strelochka strelyat’) (‘to shoot an arrow’), жена отнять (zhena otnyat’) (‘to take away a wife’) with a nominative object, a regularly used in nitive and a rarely used personal form of the verb. The same was typical of the 17th century, when the in nitive constructions with a nominative object prevailed in the dialects around the Onego Lake. It should be noted that the transformation of the verb component occurs only in the idioms, which determine the speci city of their functioning in the epic poetry: дума думати (duma dumati) - дума думали (duma dumali).
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