Verbs of Finnic origin in Russian dialects of the North-West

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202202
Мызников С. А. Verbs of Finnic origin in Russian dialects of the North-West NRD, Volume 21. 2022 , 33–57

The article is devoted to the analysis of verbs of the Finnic origin. Verbal vocabulary is a very clear indicator of the intensity of interlingual contacts, therefore, when identifying materials, areal aspects of the functioning of verbs were taken into account. The article presents an analysis of the previous studies on this topic. Among the analyzed verbs, there are substrate units, borrowed verbs, penetrations, denominative formations based on inorganic sources. In addition, verbs with a native root, but formed according to the substrate model, as well as causative verbs are described. It is noted that substrate verbs are usually fixed in the zone of contacts, have stable fixations and have already been assimilated by the system of dialects. Borrowed verbs are considered as non-original lexical units that exist in a non-autochthonous area, i.e. regardless of the transition of the population to another language. In a number of cases, verbs having a Russian (Slavic) root are presented in the dialect in a form that is usually fixed for non-native units, i.e. the donor language doesn’t record data that could be considered as a possible etymon. It is noted that more than a hundred verbs that have a causative formant in their structure have been identified in the Northern Russian dialects. Some Russian dialect verbs that have a causative meaning, in the presence of a causative marker, form a pair: a causative verb—a non-causative verb. Most commonly, verbs have a significant number of derivatives; moreover, affixal formations expand the area of existence of the key word. An etymological analysis of new dialect data is presented, which makes it possible to include additional materials in the list of verbs.


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