Ways of noun formation in the Koryak language

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202208
Bolotaeva O. Ways of noun formation in the Koryak language NRD, Volume 21. 2022 , 160–184

The article is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of A. N. Zhukova, the Northern scholar, linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Paleo-Asiatic Languages, Folklore and Literature of the Institute of the Peoples of the North of the Herzen State Pedagogical University. In the article, based on the names of traditional Koryak foodstuffs in the conditions of bilingualism, the Koryak word-formation patterns are revealed. The factual material was not only obtained from the texts and the published Koryak dictionaries by T. A. Moll and A. N. Zhukova, but also from the author’s field notes collected in the North of Kamchatka (Olyutorsky district) in the contact zone inhabited by the Koryaks, Chukchi, and Evens. The article also discusses the dialect vocabulary, since almost all languages of the peoples of the North function within the framework of one dialect or another and have not yet developed the norms of the literary language. The author comes to the conclusion that the formation of food names in the Koryak language is associated with the following ways of forming noun stems: root morpheme reduplication, basic composition, agglutinative affixation. At the same time, the original names of food products have stayed almost unchanged, and the names of food products borrowed from the Russian language are changing in accordance with the Koryak phonetic and morphological patterns.


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