The names of large carnivorous and herbivorous animals as part of the hunting vocabulary in the Komi language

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202210
Rakin A. The names of large carnivorous and herbivorous animals as part of the hunting vocabulary in the Komi language NRD, Volume 21. 2022 , 201–219

Nominative units related to large carnivorous and herbivorous animals, forming one of the structural components of the hunting vocabulary in the Komi language are singled out and separately considered. In the first part of the study, the composition is determined and a brief description of these representatives of the local commercial fauna in the Komi territory is given. Their names used in the Komi language are presented. Examples from other Permian languages are used as a comparative material. The second part presents a diachronic hierarchy of the analyzed original vocabulary, compiled on the basis of the classification of proto-linguistic reconstructions. The original fund of this microsystem has two components of the ancient vocabulary: common Permian and proto-Komi. The names of earlier origin (Proto-Uralic, Proto-Finno-Ugric and Proto-Finno-Permian), presented in other varieties of the Komi language hunting vocabulary, are missing here. As part of the original names, the most numerous group consists of designations that arose during the period of independent development of the Komi-Zyryan language after its separation from the Komi-Permian. The Komi-Zyryan part of lexical units is characterized by the use of both morphological (single-word names) and syntactic (multi-word names) ways of word formation. The types and sources of the formation of a foreign-language component, which occupies an insignificant place in the system of designations of large commercial animals in the Komi language, are established. It consists of one borrowing from the Proto-Permian era and four names that have come from the vocabulary of the Russian literary language and neighboring Russian folk dialects.


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