Slavic place-names of Western Ingermanland of the 16–17th centuries as a structural component of the historical and toponymic dictionary (letters З–М)
The article considers place-names of Slavic origin in Western Ingermanland recorded in documents of the 16–17th centuries and erased from the geographical landscape by the beginning of the 18th century. The article is a part of the comprehensive study devoted to the compilation of the historical toponymic dictionary of the Western Ingermanland. The author analyzes historical place names of the modern Kingisepp district. The dictionary entry is provided with information about historical documentary variants of place-names, approximate or precise localization of a settlement in the past. For many names, an etymology is proposed that does not claim to be final. One of the important components of the dictionary entry, according to the author, is information about the names of landowners of Swedish and other origins, who owned villages on the territory of Ingermanland in the 17th century. This article includes the identified and analyzed place-names from the letter З to М. The identified names are motivated by the landscape features of the area. Some of them are of de-anthroponymous nature. There are place-names whose etymology is hypothetically established, but the motivation is unclear.
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