Names of wild animals eaten as food in the Koryak language (linguocultural aspect)
The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the layers of the vocabulary of the Koryak language — the names of wild animals eaten as food, in the linguocultural aspect. When describing the current state of the studied layer of vocabulary, the author strives to show the stability and dynamics of the Koryak vocabulary, the use of this vocabulary in the speech of the Koryaks. The research is based on the material of the Chavchuven dialect, which forms the basis of the written Koryak language, as well as the Karagin, Lesnov, Alyutor dialects. The analysis also accounts for the material of the Achaivam, Middle Pakhachi variants of the Chavchuven dialect, which was recorded by the author in the places of traditional residence of the Koryaks in the north of the Kamchatka Territory. The author comes to the conclusion that the basis of the vocabulary layer formed by the names of Koryak food products in modern conditions is made up of native Koryak words. The identified differences in the lexical design of the original names reflect the elements of the Koryak ethnic culture indicating the preservation and development of the Koryak vocabulary and its use in the actual speech.
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