The Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language as a comparative source: notes of a dialect lexicographer

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202313
Bobrova M. (136) The Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language as a comparative source: notes of a dialect lexicographer NRD, Volume 22. 2023 , 237–265

This publication is related to the problem of improving the principles of lexicographic description of dialect vocabulary. The author raises questions associated with the selection of dialect words with respect to the Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language (hereinafter—the Dictionary), as the qualification of the words’ status in it is not always indisputable. Attention is focused on the study of obsolete, occasional and vernacular vocabulary, which is aligned with the analysis of the card index of the Dictionary of Russian dialects of the North of the Perm Region. The study showed the following: a) part of the vocabulary is missing in the Dictionary, i.e. true dialectisms, occasional words, and common Russian words in the occasional use. Lexicographers consider that it is absolutely necessary to include such units in the dialect dictionary; b) the Dictionary includes obsolete words (both labelled and not labelled as “obsolete”) that remain active in territorial dialects. It seems logical that such words also need to be described in a dialect dictionary; c) the Dictionary includes words labelled as “vernacular”, but these indications are often ambiguous, as they may contradict the linguistic theory, which requires caution in deciding whether to exclude such a word from the regional dictionary or to include it. Ultimately, dialect lexicographers are forced to find support in the specific linguistic material, in their own linguistic experience, and, mainly, in considerations of reasonability. The following conclusions are made: 1) materials of the Dictionary are most reliable when working with lexical and semantic dialectisms as well as with occasional words; 2) the data that the Dictionary provides on literary words with the obsolete status are not indisputable; 3) due to the ambiguity of the “vernacular” label the decision whether to put a word into the dialect dictionary should be made individually in each specific case.


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