Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas: lost phraseology (volumes 4–6)

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202314
Kobeleva I.A. Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas: lost phraseology (volumes 4–6) NRD, Volume 22. 2023 , 266–293

The Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas covers the vocabulary and phraseology of Russian dialects primarily in the territory of modern Karelia and to some extent in the Murmansk, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod and Tver regions. The authors of the dictionary note that after a certain period of time, the problem of creating new dictionaries for the same areas will inevitably arise, and then the Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas will serve as the main scale for comparisons. The article provides an analysis of the phraseological part of the Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas (volumes 4–6) in order to demonstrate that some dialect phraseological units have not attracted the attention of the compilers and can be found only in the illustrative material of dictionary entries. These lost phraseological units have every right to get a lexicographic development, since they disclose direct parallels in semantics, structure and lexical and grammatical affiliation with phraseological units available in the Russian literary language. The list of dialect phraseological units is proposed for the potential expansion of the Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas.


Fedorov A. I. (2008) Frazeologicheskiy slovar’ russkogo literaturnogo yazyka [Russian literary phraseological dictionary]. 3rd ed., corr. Moscow: Astrel’. (in Russian)
Gerd A. S. (ed.) (1994–2005) Slovar’ russkikh govorov Karelii i sopredel’nykh oblastei [Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas]. Vol. 1–6. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Press. (in Russian)
Kobeleva I. (2022) «Slovar’ russkikh govorov Karelii i sopredel’nykh oblastei»: poteryannaya frazeologiya: vyp. 1–3 [Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas: lost phraseology: (volumes 1–3)]. Severnorusskiye govory [Northern Russian dialects], 21: 309–329.
Mihajlova L. P. (2016) O rabote nad «Slovarem russkih govorov Karelii i sopredel'nyh oblastej» pod rukovodstvom A. S. Gerda [About the work on the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of Karelia and adjacent areas” under the leadership of A. S. Gerd]. Severnorusskie govory, 15: 13–20. (in Russian)
