From the history of dialect words

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202401
Anikin A. From the history of dialect words NRD, Volume 23. 2024 , 11–31

The article is devoted to the origin of a number of Russian dialect words. In the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" by M. Vasmer, most of this material is missing or explained differently. The study of dialect vocabulary remains one of the most pressing problems of etymology. The proposed lexicological studies arose mainly during the preparation of the 19th and 20th issues of the "Russian Etymological Dictionary" [RES], which examine the vocabulary with initial и- (i-): и́вер (íver), игáрма (igárma), иж (izh), и́кра (íkra), и́ндала (índala), ирéнь (irén), и́рты (írty), исмён (ismёn), и́ча (ícha). The article contributes to a better elaboration of this lexical material and reveals its specificity using individual examples. In addition, it includes some words taken from previous issues of RES, namely those that are essential for solving certain etymological dilemmas or are of interest in other respects (зверстá (zverstá), зерёда (zerёda)). The examination of the words взвод (vzvod), звóдень (zvóden’) contains a rejection of the incorrect explanation of these words proposed earlier in RES.


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