Native and substrate vocabulary in the areal aspect and problems of dialectal division (Belozersk and Bezhetsk dialects)

DOI: 10.30842/01348515202403
Myznikov S. Native and substrate vocabulary in the areal aspect and problems of dialectal division (Belozersk and Bezhetsk dialects) NRD, Volume 23. 2024 , 47–71

This work is a continuation of the analysis of the relationship between the original and substrate and borrowed vocabulary in the context of the possibilities of vocabulary. The work presents an analysis of previous works that examined the area of the Belozersk and Bezhetsk dialects from the point of view of identifying dialect groups. The material for the article was the data of the author's field linguogeographic survey, as well as the author's books, which widely present the vocabulary of the dialects of the analyzed region: "Atlas of Substrate and Borrowed Lexicon of Russian Dialects of the North-West" and "Russian Dialect Etymological Dictionary. Lexicon of Contact Regions". It is noted that the lexical originality of the dialect is determined not only by the archaic elements or innovations of the lexical system, but also by the influence of foreign lexical systems. The data obtained during the field survey of the Belozersk and Bezhetsk dialects confirm their heterogeneity and possibilities for differentiation. It is possible to identify units that go back to the Veps-Karelian layer. Words that are found only in the dialects around Beloye Ozero are singled out. Part of the vocabulary of Finno-Ugric origin in Beloye Ozero forms a single area, determined by a common origin, with the Ladoga-Tikhvin dialects, as well as the dialects of Obonezhye and Belomorye. In the dialects along the Mologa River, non-native vocabulary is represented by residual Baltic-Finnic relics, while the dialects of the western parts of the Yaroslavl Region represent a marginal area determined by the influence of the Karelian dialect in the Tver Region (Tver Karelians) or the substrate of the Yaroslavl Karelians. A three-member opposition is outlined – dialects around Beloye Ozero, dialects along the Mologa River and dialects between the Mologa River and Beloye Ozero, which is revealed by detailed research.


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