Hunting vocabulary in the Komi language: designations for marsh-meadow and field game
The article represents the first attempt of linguistic research in the names of marsh-meadow and field game. The analysis of factual material, mainly related to the Komi literary language, is carried out using both diachronic and synchronous methods of research. In the first section of the article, based on the performed denotate-related classification, the author shows the microsystem of marsh-meadow and field game as part of the commercial fauna of the Komi Republic. The actual linguistic characteristics of this microsystem are given in the second section. By applying the comparative historical method the author establishes the absence of borrowings. The ancient designations inherited from the Finno-Ugric protolanguage as well as the names of later origin that arose during the period of independent existence of the Komi-Zyryan language are identified and considered as part of the original vocabulary fund.
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