“Finnish farmsteads” in Ingria — vocabulary and realia
The article examines the use of the concept “farmstead” in the context of the history of the Ingrian Finns. The work is based on field materials and the author’s observations. The origin of the word and concept “farmstead” and its use in dialectal Finnish are considered. Comparisons with the words of the Finnish language corresponding to the concept “farmstead” are made. The time frame for the emergence of farmsteads and the term “farmstead” among the Ingrian Finns is indicated. The borrowing of the concept “farmstead” into dialectal Finnish from Russian is established. The origin of the stable phrase “Finnish farmsteads” is shown within the framework of “ethnic thinking”. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of “Finnish farmsteads” is a stereotype that arose in the Russian ethnic environment. For the Finns of the Leningrad region, who had already been thoroughly assimilated and had switched to the Russian language, the idea of “Finnish farmsteads” came from the Russian language, while for the Finns of Finland these ideas are alien.
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