Substrate Northern Russian lexical data in the Ob-Ugric and Permic context.

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201902
Мызников С. А. Ryabchikova Z. Substrate Northern Russian lexical data in the Ob-Ugric and Permic context. NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 29–54

In this work, a comprehensive etymological analysis of North Russian dialectic borrowed data is continued, with factors complicating the study, when possible etymons can be recorded in the Komi language, Baltic-Finnish, Ob-Ugric languages. An analysis of some materials that have wide areal distribution is proposed. It is noted that a significant number of such borrowings are thematically related to the fishing and hunting vocabulary.

A detailed analysis of the totality of all the data recorded in different geographically related languages of the same region allows one to verify some etymological versions, and in some cases to make corrections of established etymologies. In addition, when designing distant etymologies, it is extremely important to take into account the possibilities of multidirectional ethno-linguistic influences.
Thus, when analyzing data where materials that are complex in etymology are presented, they should be considered both on Russian, Perm and Ob-Ugric soils. There are frequent cases when from the Permian continuum, along with entering the North Russian dialect vocabulary, the word also spread already further into the Ob-Ugric languages.
In some cases, the Baltic-Finnish and Ob-Ugric data are very similar in form and semantics, and the problem arises of differentiating the results of their impact on Russian dialects, i.e., when Komi and Khanty tokens are etymologically similar units on Finno-Ugric soil. A detailed analysis of the data considered, recorded in different geographically adjacent languages ​​of one region, allows us to verify in some cases some etymological versions, with undoubted attention to the possibilities of heterogeneous ethnic language influences.


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