Belozerie speech culture in the focus of the one speak (project of electronic multimedia system)

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201904
Ilyina Е. Ganicheva S. Belozerie speech culture in the focus of the one speak (project of electronic multimedia system) NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 69–87

The article is devoted to the problems of studying the dialect of the Borbushino village, Kirillovsky district of the Vologda region with the aim of creating an electronic multimedia system. The dialect of the Borbushino village studied for 30 years. A variety of interests and research methods, tested during this time, led to the fact that the expeditionary archive combines a very large amount of vocabulary and text material, interpreted in different ways. One of the productive approaches to the study of historical Belozerye dialects is the systematization of collected at different times speech content and the presentation of the results in the format of an electronic multimedia system. This will make it possible to introduce into the scientific circulation a new speech material, significant in volume and diverse in terms of thematic, genre-stylistic and personal affinity. The created electronic multimedia system will allow systematizing speech material according to several criteria: a) thematic relatedness of speech works; b) the compatibility of general Russian and local features in the field of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar in them; c) personal affiliation of texts to informants of different age, education and occupation. Creating an electronic multimedia system of the village of Borbushino will allow to describe the dynamics of changes in the spoken territory, to preserve samples of the Borbushino dialect in all possible fullness and diversity, to provide access to speech content for a wide range of users of electronic multimedia system.


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