The postpositive particle -to in the Russian dialects of the Ulyanovsk region.

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201910
Myznikova Y.N. The postpositive particle -to in the Russian dialects of the Ulyanovsk region. NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 158–172

The article analyzes the patterns of using the postpositive particle -to in the Russian dialects of the Ulyanovsk region, first of all, we consider some dialect coordinated forms of this particle (-tu, -ti). In those dialects the use of the particle variants was based on the grammatical principle, as in most eastern Intermediate Russian dialects. In this case the form of the particle must be consistent with the form of the previous name. Currently, this rule often gives way to the principle of phonetic "harmonization" with the preceding word ending. This principle is also often violated by the use of the common form -to. In our recordings of the dialect speech, made in Russian villages of the Ulyanovsk region, we fixed both coordinated and harmonized forms of particles (-tu, -ti), as well as inconsistent, neutral particle -to in phonetic variations -ta, -tъ, -t. Morphologically coordinated and phonetically harmonizing postpositive particles are used in Russian dialects inconsistently, showing a process of destruction of former systems under the influence of the neutral common particle –to. The use of coordinated or harmonizing particles is typical for the settlements with the better preserved dialect systems as a whole. In our materials, the largest share of such forms falls on Staryi Belyi Yar village. 
The functions of the postpositive particle are directly dependent on the oral nature of its use. Depending on the context, the determinative or amplifying and emphasizing components of the meaning of this particle can be realized. The particle can also be used in the dialect speech as a discursive marker, which introduces a refinement component or indicates the nominative of theme of the dictum. Postpositive particles can be the means of expressing subordinate clause, with mainly circumstantial meaning. The particles can be used as allied elements in dialect statements with a weakened subordinate bond. They are used in the situation of weak logical ordering of the text fragments.


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