Proper noun as a source of zoonymic nomination: communicative-pragmatic aspect

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201913
Veresijanova V. Proper noun as a source of zoonymic nomination: communicative-pragmatic aspect NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 212–222

The article discusses zoonymic lexical units (nicknames of domestic animals) formed from various classes of proper names. The source of material (about 250 units) was a general file of the “Pskov Regional Dictionary of Historical Data”, the material was analyzed in phonetic, lexical and sociocultural aspects. The author comes to the conclusion that zoonyms perform not only the nominative and calling (vocative) functions, but also have an emotional coloring, since the nickname is a means of emotional-communicative communication between the animal and its owner. The predominant is a positive emotional coloring. A special group of zoonyms is formed by nicknames that arose as a result of transonymization — attracting lexical units from other classes of the onomastic continuum, mainly personal names (both Russian and foreign) and geographical names. The most widespread are anthropozoononyms. Currently, the tendency of transonymization r is increasing, pushing the traditional zoononymy to the periphery of the onomastic field.


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