Ichthyonym peskozob and its phonetic variations on the map
The article gives a linguistic geography commentary to the works of L. P. Mikhaylova about the structure and semantics of the Russian dialect names for gudgeon (Gobio gobio) and other kinds of fish: пескозо́б [peskozob], бескозо́б [beskozob], ескозо́б [yeskozob], вискозо́б [viskozob], дескозо́б [deskozob], мескозо́б [meskozob], нескозо́б [neskozob], скозо́б [skozob] and their phonetic variations. Their location is given on the maps enclosed to the article and based on lexicographical and linguistic geography sources. The conclusions on the types of areal correspondence between initial words and their derivatives are made on the map base. Thus their location can entirely or partly coincide, new forms can penetrate into the dialects which do not have initial variations and also can exist as single fixations in the original form area. In addition to this new etymologies of some words are given using their phonetic and geographic features, as well as the Slavic cognates. These are the forms ескозо́б [yeskozob] which is derived from вискозо́б [viskozob], дескозо́б [deskozob] from ескозо́б [yeskozob] and мескозо́б [meskozob] from пескозо́б [peskozob].
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