Lexical units of the Northern Russian origin in the dialects of Saint-Petersburg province.

DOI: 10.30842/01348515201905
Kolosko E. Lexical units of the Northern Russian origin in the dialects of Saint-Petersburg province. NRD, Volume 18. 2019 , 88–102

This article is a continuation of the work to identify lexical data of northern Russian origin in the dialects of St. Petersburg province, conducted on the material of the “Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects”. Attention to these data is due to the small number, fragmented factual material in the possession of linguists, which is the reason for insufficient attention to Petersburg dialects. The author conducts a thematic and comparative analysis of dialect words. The first part of the study was published in the 17th issue of the North Russian Dialects. This article presents examples of dialect nouns belonging to two lexical-semantic groups: names of weather phenomena and names of household items. Within these lexical-semantic groups, a word-formation and semantic analysis of dialect word forms, noted in the Pomor and Onega, partially Ladogo-Tikhvin groups and in St. Petersburg dialects during one time period — from the middle of the XIX century, is carried out. Until the beginning of the 20th century later fixations are also given, which suggest that these lexemes are regularly used in this or mainly in this region. There are lexical nests in which Petersburg words are derivational or semantic derivatives, which confirms the presence of language contacts of rural residents of St. Petersburg counties and residents of the Arkhangelsk, Olonets, Vyborg and Vologda provinces, as well as residents of the northern parts of the Novgorod and Pskov provinces. The presented material shows the results of the influence of the dialects of the adjacent northern regions on the formation of the lexical composition of St. Petersburg dialects. Derived words and meanings demonstrate the stages of development and development of dialect vocabulary in a secondary settlement.


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